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Message from the President
Gregory Alan Smith, M.D., QME
To my potential patients:
If you have chronic pain, I already know much of your story. Chronic pain patients suffer in many ways. The pain itself slowly destroys the life of the patient and often destroys marriages, friendships, finances and the way a patient interacts with the world. Patients are often treated like drug addicts by doctors, pharmacies and loved ones. Chronic pain is in my opinion the most difficult medical problem to live with. It truly affects all aspects of a person’s life.
Many of you have "tried everything" or have been told that "you have to live with the pain." Both of these statements are not true. Everyone and I mean everyone can improve and many chronic pain patients can actually become pain free. It takes a sustained effort by the patient and the patient’s healthcare team to end chronic pain. There are no magic bullets, machines or pills but by using Integrative Medicine, by customizing and combining treatments from multiple disciplines of medicine and answer can be found for everyone.
I have treated patients that have had chronic pain for 25 years and had been on narcotics for the same period become pain free and off all medications by going through the NESP program that included narcotic detoxification. There is a phenomenon known as narcotic-induced pain, where the narcotics actually perpetuate and make pain worse! Simply getting the narcotics safely out of a patient’s system can sometimes be the answer. This is just one of thousands of examples of how it is possible for even the most brittle chronic pain patient to improve or even become pain free.
Let me be clear; It does not matter if you have had multiple spine surgeries, addicted to painkillers, unable to do even simple household tasks or have a sexual relationship; you CAN get better. First there is hope, then belief, then results. If my programs or clinics can help you then not only will you have gotten better you will bring me closer to my dream of a pain free society.
Gregory Alan Smith, M.D., QME
President, CPRG/GS Medical Center inc.
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