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What is NESP?
The NESP Program is a system that was developed by Gregory Alan Smith, M.D., QME. The system was developed over a 12-year period. It involves treating the six aspects of the chronic pain and addiction experience: NESP is an acronym. The N stands for Nutrition, the E for Emotional/Psychological, the S for Social/Financial and the P for Physical.
This approach is effective for the millions of people that have been started on prescription painkillers for legitimate reasons but then became dependent on them due to chronic pain; the inability to stop without horrific withdrawal symptoms or the medications became recreational.
No matter what the cause these patients are NOT like street addicts that are addicted to cocaine, methamphetamines, alcohol, etc. Although all addictions share similarities this problem is unique and should be treated differently. This is why traditional “detox” programs and traditional support groups have such a high failure rate.
The NESP program treat the following types of problems:
Addiction to prescription narcotics such as OxyContin, Norco, Duragesic (Fentanyl), Vicodin, etc.
Chronic pain patients addicted or dependent on prescription narcotics; that ALSO require treatment for their chronic pain, simultaneously, so they will no longer require the narcotics
Weight gain/Obesity as a result of a work or non-work injury that has resulted in a sedentary lifestyle
Chronic pain and/or addiction that is complicated by anxiety, depression and/or insomnia
Inadequate treatment, inappropriate treatment or undertreatment is the norm
Heroin addiction
Patients who are interested in the programs will need to have an initial evaluation to determine if they are a candidate for the program and more detail information can be given and discussed at that time.
The NESP program is NOT designed to treat patients with addiction to: alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamines, marijuana, and tobacco.
Gregory Alan Smith, M.D.